Monday 23 January 2012

Achieving little things...

The Stars Shine All Day Too Black Tape

So, I am another week into unemployment, and how is it going? Well, I don't have a job and I completely looped out at church last night with panic but, ya know, could be worse!

Last week, I wrote a list of resolutions/things to do and looking at it, it has been reasonably achieved...

1. Finish unpacking - DONE! Well almost done. I have a bag of all my DVDs/CDs and nowhere to store them so said bag is neatly placed under a coffee table in the livingroom.

2. Apply for 5 jobs - DONE! Pah, 5 jobs? 25 jobs more like! Already been rejected but surely such volume means I will get one eventually.

3. Update my LinkedIn profile - Doneish. I have started to update it but it is still a work in progress.

4. Buy and build a bookcase to house my 130 odd books - Not done but alternative achieved. I had a complete bookcase fail and have instead unpacked my books into a little cupboard in my room. It is effective if completely lacking on alphabetising!

5. Stop falling in love with boy who has a girlfriend: Completely not done. Completely disasterously failed! Must try harder!

I am now considering the list for this week. At least unpacking will be off the list, at last! I think this week's list will look a little bit like this:

1. Apply for some more jobs.
2. Finish updating LinkedIn Profile.
3. Do some more soicalising
4. Get back to exercising
5. Accept that you are in love with boy with girlfriend and move on!

The first three are completely achievable. Firstly, I am a job applying fiend and I can certainly apply that sort of action to getting the bloody LinkedIn Profile sorted. Socialising is already in hand, thanks to joining church music group and generally putting myself out there and arranging meeting up with people. Already had breakfast with one friend this morning and have another for coffee this afternoon. Exercising, well that presents a bit more of a challenge. Pre-Christmas/New Year ill health, I was a gym fiend...then I was barred. **FAIL** Need to get my motivation back up and balance that with not passing out.

THe last one poses the greatest challenge. To quote one of my dearest friends - "WISE UP, MIN!" Time to pull myself together!

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